what is AGORASCOPE ?


How can the use of public space, and the deviance from its intended use, can be critically observed and documented?

In the public realm, what makes space and form functional?

Is there a way that we can document residual space that gives architects the power to command it?

Can this study produce a new understanding of residual space, that has less to do with formal relationships?

Could the implementation of a model for observation help architects optimize use and create public spaces that challenge the fallacies of conventional architectural logic and celebrate the behavioral logic of the user?


There is a dissonance between architects’ intended use of public space and its observable use. In the examination of this dissonance lies the potential to reevaluate the common understanding of architectural logic. The practice of observation is the key to reconnecting the designer to the user and creating a significant shift in architectural method toward an equitable user-based design process.

As formal logic is most often employed and documented in plan, section and elevation, agorascope asks how behavioral patterns can be observed as the basis for a new logic.

Applying a model for observation and a user-based logic to the early design process, rather than solely considering the user in post-occupancy analysis, can optimize both design efficiency and spatial delight from a user perspective.


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